Leo-Mesdag B.V.
Information is hereby given with respect to holders of notes (the Noteholders) of the following class(es):
EUR 642,500,000 Senior Class A Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent ISIN XS0266637171
(the Class A Notes)
With reference to the Improvement of the 4 April 2014 Modification Proposal, dated 12/05/2014, a group of Class A Noteholders holding more than 10% of the Class A Notes would like to invite all Class A Noteholders to attend an informal forum to discuss the proposal on 03/06/2014. Details regarding the informal forum can be obtained by sending an email to the email address of Stichting Security Trustee LEO-MESDAG (the Issuer Security Trustee).
The aforementioned Class A Noteholders holding more than 10% of the Class A Notes have requested the Issuer Security Trustee to send out this notice to the Class A Noteholders. The Issuer Security Trustee is not in any manner involved in organising the informal forum.
Stichting Security Trustee LEO-MESDAG
Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
Email: LM@intertrustgroup.com
Information to Class A Noteholders