If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial, legal or other advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.
(the Issuer)
Notice is hereby given with respect to holders of notes (the Noteholders) of each of the following class(es):
EUR 642,500,000 Senior Class A Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent ISIN XS0266637171
EUR 400,000 Class X Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2016, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266644896
EUR 20,500,000 Mezzanine Class B Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266638146
EUR 112,500,000 Mezzanine Class C Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266642171
EUR 142,500,000 Junior Class D Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266642767
EUR 82,000,000 Subordinated Class E Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266644383
EUR 50,000,000 Class Y Commercial Mortgage-Backed Floating Rate Notes 2006 due 2019, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0266645604
(the Notes)
Amsterdam, 12 May 2014
The capitalised terms used in this notice shall bear the same meanings given to them in the Prospectus dated 27 September 2006 for LEO-MESDAG B.V.
At the request of the Borrower, Stichting Security Trustee LEO-MESDAG B.V. hereby provides to all holders of the Notes the attached “Improvement of the 4 April 2014 Modification Proposal” by the Borrower. Please click here for the Proposal from the Borrower.
This notice does not purport to be the formal announcement of the Noteholders Meetings. Such announcement will follow in due course and will contain details for Noteholders in order to obtain the documents in relation thereto.
For more information:
Amsterdamsch Trustee’s Kantoor B.V.
Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB Amsterdam
Email: LM@intertrustgroup.com
Notice to Noteholders dated 12 May 2014