Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Loans V B.V.
Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Loans V B.V. (the “Issuer”)
Class A Notes, ISIN code XS0230784901,
Class B Notes, ISIN code XS0230785544,
Class C Notes, ISIN code XS0230786195,
together the “Notes”.
In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Notes, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Issuer to exercise its right to redeem all of the Notes (in whole but not in part) on the first Optional Redemption Date falling on 28 September 2012, provided that the Issuer at such date has received the required funds. Last day of trading will be 24 September 2012.
Amsterdam, 6 August 2012
ATC Management B.V.
Fred. Roeskestraat 123
1076 EE Amsterdam
Notice in relation to the First Optional Redemption Date