E-MAC NL 2004-II B.V.
This notice is made pursuant to the Act on Financial Supervision (Wet op het financieel toezicht), pursuant to which inside information should be made forthwith available.
If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial, legal or other advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.
Capitalised terms used herein have the meanings defined or construed in the Master Definitions Agreement
E-MAC NL 2004-II B.V.
(the "Issuer" and the security trustee in respect of the transaction pursuant to which the notes listed below were issued, the "Security Trustee")
Notice is hereby given with respect to notes of each of the following class(es):
€ 584,000,000 Senior Class A Notes 2004 due 2037, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN: XS0207208165
€ 13,000,000 Mezzanine Class B Notes 2004 due 2037, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0207209569
€ 8,500,000 Junior Class C Notes 2004 due 2037, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0207210906
€ 4,500,000 Subordinated Class D Notes 2004 due 2037, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0207211037
(the "Put Option Notes" and each class of Notes, a "Class of Put Option Notes" and together the "Classes of Put Option Notes" and the holders thereof the "Put Option Noteholders")
€ 3,050,000 Subordinated Class E Notes 2004 due 2037, issue price 100 per cent. ISIN XS0207264077
Amsterdam, 26 July 2012
In respect of securitisation transactions with a put option structure and originated by a company belonging to the group of companies of which CMIS Nederland B.V. is also part (each "CMIS"), notes have not been redeemed following exercise of the put option as a result of the relevant issuer in such transaction not having obtained a servicing advance loan.
The Security Trustee hereby kindly requests Noteholders to disclose their identity (legal name of holder of Notes, amount of Notes held of each Class, contact person, e-mail address and telephone number) by 15 August 2012 by which disclosure any such Noteholder consents to the disclosure of such identity details by the Security Trustee to the Issuer and CMIS who each or jointly at any time in the future may wish to discuss certain matters with Noteholders in relation to the aforementioned.
Amsterdamsch Trustee's Kantoor B.V.
Director of the Security Trustee
Fred. Roeskestraat 123
1076 EE Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 5771177
Email: emac@atccapitalmarkets.com
Request to disclose identity