Loan Invest NV/SA
Embargo - For Release on 11 June 2012 before 8.30 am |
11 June 2012 |
Loan Invest NV/SA, |
(the “Issuer”) |
This information constitutes regulated information (gereglementeerde informatie / information réglementée) for the purposes of the Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 regarding the obligations of issuers of financial instruments which are admitted to trading on a regulated market (Koninklijk besluit van 14 november 2007 betreffende de verplichtingen van emittenten van financiële instrumenten die zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt / Arrêté royal du 14 novembre 2007 relatif aux obligations des émetteurs d'instruments financiers admis à la négociation sur un marché réglementé). |
Notice is hereby given with respect to notes of each of the following classes:
Euro 3,200,000,000 floating rate Class A Mortgage-Backed Notes due 2044, issue price 100 per cent.
ISIN number BE0002362342, common code 030941985
Euro 300,000,000 floating rate Class B Mortgage-Backed Notes due 2044, issue price 100 per cent.
ISIN number BE0002363357, common code 030941829
(the "Notes" and each class of Notes, a "Class of Notes" and together the "Classes of Notes" and the holders thereof the "Noteholders" )
Notice is hereby given that it has been brought to the attention of the Issuer that KBC Bank NV (the "Bank") announced today its invitation to the Noteholders to tender any and all their Notes for purchase by the Bank for cash (collectively the "Offers" and each an "Offer").
The Offers are being made on the terms and subject to the conditions and restrictions set out in a Tender Offer Memorandum dated 11 June 2012, made available to the Noteholders as explained in today's announcement by the Bank.
The Issuer has also been informed that the Bank does not intend to repurchase Mortgage Receivables (as defined in the terms and conditions applicable to the Notes) from the Issuer such that the Issuer may call and redeem all outstanding Notes on the first Optional Redemption Date (as defined in the terms and conditions applicable to the Notes).
For further information, reference is made to the announcement made by the Bank which may be found at the following address:
If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial, legal or other advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.
Brussels, 11 June 2012
The Directors of the Issuer
The Notes may only be acquired, by direct subscription, by transfer or otherwise and may only be held by holders (Eligible Holders) who qualify both as (i) an institutional or professional investor within the meaning of Article 5, § 3 of the Belgian Act of 20 July 2004 on certain forms of collective management of investment portfolios (wet betreffende bepaalde vormen van collectief beheer van beleggingsportefeuilles / Loi relative à certaines formes de gestion collective de portefeuilles d'investissement), acting for their own account, and (ii) a holder of an exempt securities account (X-account) with the clearing system operated by the National Bank of Belgium or with a participant in such system.
Any acquisition of a Note by or transfer of a Note to a person who is not an Eligible Holder shall be void and not binding on the Issuer and the Security Agent. If a Noteholder ceases to be an Eligible Holder, it is obliged to report this to the Issuer and it will promptly transfer the Notes it holds to a person that qualifies as an Eligible Holder.
Each payment of interest on Notes of which the Issuer becomes aware that they are held by a holder that does not qualify as an Eligible Holder will be suspended. Upon issuance, the denomination of the Notes is EUR 250,000.
The Notes are solely the obligations of Compartment Home Loan Invest 2007 of the Issuer and have been allocated to Compartment Home Loan Invest 2007 of the Issuer. The Notes are not obligations or responsibilities of, and are not guaranteed by, any other entity or person.
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT: KBC KBC Bank NV (the "Bank") announced today its invitation to the Noteholders to tender any and all their Notes for purchase by the Bank for cash.