Green Apple B.V.
This notice comprises regulated information within the meaning of the Dutch Act on Financial Supervision (Wet op het financieel toezicht).
If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial, legal or other advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.
The date of this notice is 21 March 2012
Green Apple B.V. (the Issuer)
(a private company with limited liability incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands with its statutory seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
euro 1,486,500,000 floating rate Senior Class A Mortgage-Backed Notes 2007 due 2046, issue price 100 per cent.
euro 10,500,000 floating rate Mezzanine Class B Mortgage-Backed Notes 2007 due 2046, issue price 100 per cent.
euro 3,000,000 floating rate Junior Class C Mortgage-Backed Notes 2007 due 2046, issue price 100 per cent.
The capitalised terms used in this notice shall bear the same meanings given to them in the Prospectus dated 26 September 2007 for Green Apple B.V.
Green Apple B.V. hereby gives notice of the occurrence of the following events:
(a) in connection with the requirements for the Notes to be recognised as eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra-day credit operations by the Eurosystem, the Issuer has requested Moody's Investor Services Ltd ("Moody's") to assign a rating to the Notes;
(b) in order to meet the requirements for Moody's to assign a rating to the Notes, the Master Definitions Agreement, the Trust Deed, the Conditions, the Issuer Services Agreement, the Mortgage Receivables Purchase Agreement, the Liquidity Facility Agreement, the Floating Rate GIC, the Management Agreements, the Parallel Debt Agreement, the Schedule and Credit Support Annex to the Swap Agreement (hereinafter jointly: the "Amendment Documents") have been amended or, as the case may be, amended and restated, pursuant to a deed of amendment (the "Deed of Amendment");
(c) in connection with the Seller's obligation to pay an amount equal to any Set-Off Amount and/or any Transfer Amount on each Quarterly Payment Date, the Seller has entered into the Potential Commingling and Set-Off Reserve Subordinated Loan Agreement with the Issuer pursuant to which it has granted a loan equal to an amount of EUR 29,250,000 to the Issuer;
(d) Fitch has been notified of the amendment and restatement of the Amendment Documents and the Issuer entering into the Potential Commingling and Set-Off Reserve Subordinated Loan Agreement and has confirmed that the current ratings will not be adversely affected as a result thereof; and
(e) the Security Trustee has given its consent to the amendment or, as the case may be, the amendment and restatement of the Amendment Documents and the Issuer entering into the Potential Commingling and Set-Off Reserve Subordinated Loan Agreement by signing the Deed of Amendment.
ATC Management B.V.
Fred. Roeskestraat 123
1076 EE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Notice related to certain events